Adenoid Ameloblastoma - Did you know?
Did you know that “Adenoid ameloblastoma” is a (rare) hybrid odontogenic tumor which shows histopathological features of both adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) and ameloblastoma.
According to the literature review report by Jayasooriya PR, Abeyasinghe WAMUL, Liyanage RLPR, Uthpali GN, and Tilakaratne WM,
the main diagnostic criteria that need to be fulfilled to diagnose adenoid ameloblastoma include, presence of
any histopathological subtype of ameloblastoma; or a tumour showing ameloblast like cells and or stellate reticulum like cells, without the characteristic architectural arrangement of ameloblastoma;
adenomatoid odontogenic tumour showing at least one or more features such as duct like structures, glandular differentiation or epithelial whorls with local invasion;
dentinoid in a mature fibrous stroma.
The authors of this paper also proposed the inclusion of adenoid ameloblastoma as a sub type of ameloblastoma in the odontogenic tumor classification.