Histology of Dentin - What is Intertubular Dentin?
An introduction to Dentin
The dentin is a hard tissue that forms the bulk of the tooth.
The dentin is similar to bone but is slightly harder, although softer than enamel.
The dentin has numerous dentinal tubules that run across its length.
Each dentinal tubule houses the cytoplasmic process of an odontoblast (odontoblastic process).
🤔What is Inter-tubular Dentin?
Forms the main portion of the dentin and is found between the dentinal tubules.
It mainly consists of type I collagen fibrils and is less mineralized than the peritubular (or intratubular) dentin.
It is hypothesized that the area or zone between the peritubular and intertubular dentin in hypomineralized and is called the Sheath of Neuman.
This is thought to mark the outer boundary of the dentinal tubule.
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🔎You could dig deeper into the topic
In fact, we delve a lot more deeper into this topic in our cheatsheet/note -> Histology of Dentin. We talk about,
Composition of dentin
Dentinal tubules
Peritubular dentin
Intertubular dentin
Primary dentin
Secondary dentin
Interglobular dentin
Tomes granular layer
Incremental lines
You could read in detail about Histology of Dentin with our Revision Ninja - Oral Histology Course bundle!
Apart from Notes, you could also get access to numerous MCQs and Videos with English captions/subtitles on various topics in Histology.
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