Verrucous carcinoma - an exception to the rule!
In epithelial carcinomas, malignant dysplastic epithelium penetrates the basement membrane and enters the connective tissue. These atypical epithelial cells invade the stroma in the form of cords, nests or islands. An exception to this rule is Verrucous carcinoma (VC) where there is no connective tissue invasion by the epithelium. VC has an intact basement membrane and shows endophytic growth pattern.
Endophytic growth pattern-> The lesional epithelium (VC), with an intact basement membrane, pushes deep into the connective tissue (but does not invade the connective tissue like squamous cell carcinoma) and grows beyond the level of the basement membrane of the adjacent normal epithelium.
🔎You could dig deeper into the topic
In fact, we delve a lot more deeper into these topics in our cheatsheet/note -> Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Verrucous carcinoma.
In Squamous Cell Carcinoma we talk about,
Clinical manifestations
Histopathology features
A brief note on TNM staging
In Verrucous Carcinoma we talk about,
Clinical features
Histopathology features
You could read in detail about Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Verrucous Carcinoma with our Revision Ninja - Oral Pathology and Medicine Course bundle!
🔎You could dig deeper into the topic
In fact, you could delve a lot more deeper and read in detail about Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma with our Revision Ninja - Oral Pathology and Medicine Course bundle!
Apart from Notes, you could also get access to numerous MCQs and Videos with English captions/subtitles on various topics in Oral Pathology and Medicine.
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Dr.Sanketh from HackDentistry